November 17, 2010

For Immediate Release – November 16, 2010 (HUGUENOT, NY) – The Deerpark Town Board unanimously adopted the 2011 Budget at Monday night’s town board meeting. The budget, with minor adjustments to the Preliminary version, has a decrease in the tax levy from 2010 by 0.28% or $7600. The levy decrease is contributed to cost savings […]

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Agenda for Nov 15th Town Board Meeting

November 15, 2010

Agenda for Deerpark Town Board Regular Meeting Monday, November 15, 2010 at 7:30 PM (Last Revision – November 15, 2010 – 12:00 pm) – Invocation – Councilman Trovei (Participation is Optional) – Call to order – Supervisor Brabenec – Pledge of Allegiance – Councilman Hoovler – Roll Call/Attendance – Additions or Changes to Agenda – […]

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RESOLUTION #42 OF 2010 – Suspension of Longevity Pay

October 20, 2010

RESOLUTION #42 OF 2010 SUSPENSION OF LONGEVITY PAY IN PERSONNEL POLICY FOR 2011 WHEREAS, on August 15, 2005, the Deerpark Town Board established a Personnel Policy for all employees of the town that are not under a contract; and WHEREAS, the Town of Deerpark is currently facing financial difficulties as are many municipalities and must […]

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Volunteer for the Port Jervis Volunteer Ambulance Corps

October 20, 2010

Port Jervis Volunteer Ambulance Corps looking for volunteers to serve. If you are interested, please contact Sean Aumick at 845-856-3033.

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Town of Deerpark Public Notice

October 20, 2010

By order of the Town of Deerpark Town Board, at their meeting on Monday October 4th, the following was approved: The Town of Deerpark will be accepting letters of interest for the following Board of Assessment Review Please send letters of interest or résumé’s to Town of Deerpark, Town Clerk Flo Santini, 420 Route 209 PO […]

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Resolution 42 of 2010 – Personnel Policy Revisions

October 18, 2010

Resolution 42 of 2010 – Personnel Policy Revisions-For Consideration

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Proposed LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF 2010 – Dog Licensing

October 15, 2010

A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 99 OF THE TOWN OF DEERPARK CODE AND CREATING A PROCEDURE FOR THE LICENSING OF DOGS IN THE TOWN OF DEERPARK Chapter 99, ANIMALS ARTICLE I, Dog Licensing §99-1.Purpose. The Town Board of the Town of Deerpark finds that the running at large and other uncontrolled behavior of licensed and […]

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Town of Deerpark 2011 Preliminary Budget

October 8, 2010

Deerpark  2011 Preliminary Budget pdf 2011 PRELIMINARY BUDGET MESSAGE: Residents and Taxpayers of Deerpark, it is our pleasure to present to you the 2011 Preliminary Budget. The above pdf file contains a continuation of this message, cover sheet and the 2011 Preliminary Budget. Throughout the past few months, this town board has taken major steps […]

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October 8, 2010

TOWN OF DEERPARK COUNTY OF ORANGE STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Deerpark, County of Orange, State of New York, a report from Code Enforcement Officer Gary W. Amerbach regarding property located at 34 Grove Street in the Town, […]

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