For Immediate Release – November 16, 2010

(HUGUENOT, NY) – The Deerpark Town Board unanimously adopted the 2011 Budget at Monday night’s town board meeting. The budget, with minor adjustments to the Preliminary version, has a decrease in the tax levy from 2010 by 0.28% or $7600. The levy decrease is contributed to cost savings throughout the year and various reductions in line items within next year’s budget.

“I am very proud of all the board members for working very hard to find cost savings opportunities and making next year’s budget very palatable,” said Deerpark Supervisor Karl A. Brabenec.

Some of the highlights of the proposed budget include a proposed tax levy for next year which is $7,600 less or a decrease of 0.28%, $10,000 to explore bringing back a town bulk clean up day, an additional $15,000 for the town’s road paving budget, an allocation of $36,000 to the Building Reserve Fund for future plans to erect a new garage for the Highway Department, $5000 in most of the reserve accounts, and $69,000 in contingency.

The budget was also reviewed by the New York State Comptrollers office and was given their full approval. A full version of the adopted budget can be viewed here:

2011 Adopted Budget