Police Commission


  • William Williams
  • Philip Niosi
  • Robert Schock
  • Amanda Schultz, Secretary, 845-856-2210 ext. 4, agorr@townofdeerparkny.gov
  • Glen Plotsky, Town Attorney
  • Richard Sztyndor, Chief of Police

Meeting Dates and Times:

  • Quarterly meetings held at 6PM Wednesdays, open to the public.

Town of Deerpark Police Commission Complaint Form


  • The Board shall consist of Five (5) Commissioners who shall, at the time of their appointment and throughout the term of office, be electors of the town, and shall serve without compensation, and at the pleasure of the Town Board.

Powers and Delegated Authority:

  • The Board of Police Commissioners shall have and exercise only powers relative to police matters conferred upon them by the Town Board.  These powers may include review of all police operations, review of all citizen complaints, review of all departmental complaints, making recommendations to the Town Board for action.  Also the Police Commissioners have the delegated authority to verify the house of employment/work performed, and to monitor reports and other documentary information generated as a result of the Dog Control Officer.