Police Station: 231 Route 209, Huguenot, NY 12746 - 845-856-4333 or Dial 911
Highway Department: 410 Route 209, Huguenot, NY 12746 - 845-856-1233
Deerpark Senior Shuttle Service
Bus Service available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please call the day before for times available. Call Quality Bus Service at (845) 440-1111 x1 • Must be age 55 or over and a Deerpark Resident • $5.00 per round trip • Rides available for shopping, medical appointments, and most essential services.
Judge Michael J. Worden Court held Tuesday at 6 pm
Office Hours (Clerk available)
Monday - 9 am to 1 pm
Tuesday - 4 pm until court adjourns
Wednesday - 9 am to 1 pm
Thursday - By Appointment Only
Friday - 9 am to 1 pm
To make an appointment, please call 845-856-2210, ext. 8
NOTE: The Town Clerk CANNOT handle any court matters. They can only be handled by the justices or court clerks during the hours stated above.
Cash, Money Order, Mastercard, and Visa accepted during hours posted above for fine payments. NO PERSONAL CHECKS.
* ONLY Money Orders will be accepted when the court is closed. Payment can be placed in an envelope and inserted into green box on the courtroom door.
Hon. Suzan D, Sacks, Town Justice Town of Deerpark Justice Court
1st, 3rd, and 4th Wednesdays of the month court is held at 3:00pm
The second Wednesday of the month court is held at 2:00pm
Clerks's office hours, Except Holidays - Noon to 3:00pm
Note: Methods of payment:
1. This Court does not accept credit card payments over the telephone.
Credit card payments must be paid in person. This court only accepts MasterCard and Visa cards
There is a 2.99 Fee for using your credit card and/or Debit card.
2. Cash payments can only be made to the Court Clerk.
You cannot mail in or leave cash in the courtroom mailbox.
You must pay the exact amount, This court does not make change.
3. Money Order - Money Orders are to be made payable to Town of Deerpark Justice Court.
Place your name Address and Case Number on your Money order.
Important Phone Numbers
Poison Control—1-800-222-1222
Orange County Sheriff—845-291-4033
Orange County Emergency Services—845-291-3001 / 1-800-942-7136
Orange County Social Services—845-291-4000
Orange County Health—845-291-2332
Orange County Office of the Aging—845-291-2150
Orange County Youth Bureau—845-291-2394
Orange County Public Information Line—845-294-1504
National Health Information Center—1-800-336-4797
Tax Collector’s Hours
(January, February & March) Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Nights & Weekends by appointment only.
No person, firm or corporation shall cause to be parked on any public road or highway or the shoulder or slope of any public road or highway within the Town of Deerpark any unattended motor vehicle during the period of time 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. from November 1 to April 1, or during any time of wintry precipitation of 2 1/2 inches or more.