For Immediate Release – October 12, 2012

(HUGUENOT, NY) – Members of the Deerpark Veterans Committee presented their concept for a Deerpark Veterans Memorial at a recent meeting of the town board and announced they will start fundraising efforts for the project immediately.

The proposed memorial will represent all veterans that reside, or have resided in the Town of Deerpark from the Revolutionary War up until the present conflict in Afghanistan. The town board unanimously approved the concept and the proposed location at Sparrowbush Fireman’s Memorial Park. Construction of the memorial is estimated to begin sometime in 2013.

“We are always so very proud of the great contributions and sacrifices of our service men and women and their families,” said Deerpark Town Supervisor Karl A. Brabenec. “It is important to always recognize their service to present and future generations.”

The memorial is estimated to cost approximately $10,000 and all monies will be raised through contributions. No tax dollars will be spent. Conceptual drawings were created with the help of the committee and Fusco Engineering and Land Surveying.

Veterans Committee Chairman Floyd Babcock announced that personalized pavers can be purchased in support of the park. The pavers will be placed around the memorial. Each paver costs $100. Information on purchasing a paver can be obtained at the Town Clerk’s Office.

Individual, business, and corporate checks can be made payable to the “Deerpark Veterans Memorial Fund” and sent to Deerpark Town Hall, c/o Town Supervisor’s office, PO Box 621, Huguenot, New York 12746. Contributions can also be made by credit card through the Town Clerk’s Office at 845-856-2210, ext. 2. For more information contact Veteran’s Committee Chairman Floyd Babcock at 845-856-5556