Emergency Management Meeting on May 18th

April 28, 2011

Notice is hereby given that there will be a Emergency Management meeting of the Town of Deerpark to be held on Wednesday May 18, 2011 at 7:00 PM at 420 Route 209 Huguenot, New York.

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Dam study for the NYSDEC

April 27, 2011

Land surveyors from Maser Consulting will be locating features, homes, small bridges and culverts to complete a dam study for the NYSDEC during the week of 4/25/2011.  They will not be entering any private properties, but will be gathering data near the stream crossings of driveways around Big Pond Road, Peenpack Trail, Cora Rose Lane, Airport […]

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$25,000 grant awarded to Town of Deerpark Police Department

April 19, 2011

Press Release – for immediate release The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) today announced a $25,000 grant being awarded to the Town of Deerpark Police Department.  This funding is to support the Town police with the purchase of a marked patrol vehicle. The non matching funds are being made available through […]

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April 19, 2011

For Immediate Release – April 19, 2011 (HUGUENOT, NY) – The Deerpark Town Board voted unanimously on Monday night to grant Supervisor Karl A. Brabenec authority to sign an agreement joining a consortium of about 20 communities that oppose the Orange & Rockland Utilities’ proposed electric rate increase. The Board passed a similar motion back […]

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Open House Constituent Day Scheduled in Deerpark

April 15, 2011

For Immediate Release – April 15, 2011 (HUGUENOT, NY) – Deerpark Town Supervisor Karl A. Brabenec will be hosting his quarterly constituent day on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at Deerpark Town Hall from 10 am – 12 pm. Orange County Legislator Dennis W. Simmons will also be in attendance along with other members of the […]

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D & H Trail Project MAP

April 13, 2011

D & H Trail Project MAP

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April 11, 2011

For Immediate Release – April 11, 2011 (HUGUENOT, NY) – Deerpark Town Supervisor Karl A. Brabenec has assigned Councilman David M. Hoovler and Town Attorney William Bavoso to do a comprehensive review of a majority of the town codes within the next few months. The purpose of the review is to identify any local laws […]

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LOCAL LAW NO. 2 OF 2011 (proposed)

April 4, 2011

Local Law 2 – Changes to Unsafe Buildings Code

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Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day

March 30, 2011

The U.S. Senate declared March 30th “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.” On March 30, 1973, U.S. troops withdrew from Vietnam under the terms of the Treaty of Paris. The Town of Deerpark applauds this long-overdue tribute to honor the men and women who served bravely during the Vietnam War.

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